When Annabelle Fortune, the fastest gunslinger in the wild west, inadvertently stops a stranger from attacking a train -- and he wears a suit that enables him to fly! -- the government believes she's the only one to have witnessed the Locomotive Reaper and survived to tell the tale.
Promising to find out what he can about her missing father, the Director of the Secret Service persuades Annie to swear in. Too soon, her detested nickname re-stakes its claim.
Partnered with Beau Slokam, whose penchant for gambling leads them straight to the Doom Gang, Misfortune Annie guides the smooth-talking Southerner in a chase through the Rockies, with her Cheyenne friend, Wontoa, rounding out their unlikely trio.
When Annie again meets the Locomotive Reaper, his gadgetry proves far more advanced -- and deadly -- than even top scientists could have imagined.
A sequel is already underway!
Visit Annie at MisfortuneAnnie.com for updates on release, as well as announcements regarding future books in the series!
Find the Authors Online:
Janet "The Kid" Fogg on:
JanetFogg.com | Facebook | Goodreads | YouTube
"Gusto" Dave Jackson on:
ChiseledInRock.com | Facebook | Goodreads
Follow Annie on her Virtual Tour:
January 18
Review at Reader's Favorite
"While I'm not ordinarily a big fan of Westerns, I had a grand time reading Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper. I loved the Indiana Jones-style touches in the beginning of the story and found that the Steampunk elements and the influences of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne put a very nice spin on the classic western."
January 20
Review at Storeybook Reviews
"Great for kids to read because of the action, adventure, humor and historical setting. Four paws up!"
January 21
Guest Post at What is That Book About?
January 22
Excerpt Feature at Geo Librarian
January 25
Review at This Kid Reviews Books
"A nice story that added a slight steampunk view on the Wild West. The details in the story makes the entire setting picture come into focus."
January 27
Interview with Always in the Middle
January 28
Spotlight Feature at Desert Rose Reviews
January 29
Review at Reader's Favorite
"I loved the Indiana Jones-style touches in the beginning of the story and found that the Steampunk elements and the influences of H.G. Wells and Julies Verne put a very nice spin on the classic western. The plot is inspired, characters well-defined and believable, and the action is fast-paced."
February 1
Spotlight Feature at Carpinello's Writing Pages
Review at Storywraps
"Looking for a book with a smart, tough, independent, can-hold-her-own heroine character? Well look no further. Annabelle Fortune is the girl for you."
February 2
Guest Post Feature at Nayu's Reading Corner
February 4
Interview with Smack Dab in the Middle
February 5
Review at Books are Love
February 17
Spotlight Feature at Unconventional Librarian
Also on the Tour:
Review at Waking Brain Cells
Guest Post at Karma For Life Chick